Ouarzazate2015 14th INTI Conference “Sustainable Development of Vulnerable Territories.”

The 14th Annual International Conference of Territorial Intelligence will take place in Ouarzazate in Morocco, Wednesday 21 and Thursday, October 22, 2015. It will focus on the theme of “Sustainable Development of Vulnerable Territories.”

Provisional Programme

The provisional program is still under development . The importance and richness of the proposals have led us to accept sixty communications , 15 workshops , which implies a greater supply than expected. The program will be published after tomorrow ( Tuesday, 6 October ) after the ultimate answers that we expect tomorrow Monday. Thank you for your understanding.

Call for communication
Answer to the call for communication
Estimated programme
Scientific Committee
Steering committe

Territorial context
Scientific background
Registration and target prices

Territorial context

The province of Ouarzazate, at south of Morocco, is a vulnerable area in many ways. Located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains and north of the Sahara, it has been the interface between the mediterranean and tropical worlds, despite the difficult topography and a fragile environment. The caravans to long favored its development, before the breaking relations with the Sahara in the mid-20th century, make an isolated and vulnerable territory. The lives of the local people is based on the exploitation of oasis resources (agriculture, livestock and regional products). Tourism is another income generating activity threatened by political uncertainties. Its development has led to new activities and new ways of life and well-operating foreign to those charged before. Spectacular projects in the areas of mass tourism and solar energy are ongoing. Extremes limits the resilience of the environment and therefore the regeneration of natural resources. The environmental equation, maintained until then will be questioned or unbalanced.

Scientific background

The conference is part of ongoing research in territorial intelligence, and more specifically on the concepts of territorial value-creation and territorial quality, undertaken with the collaboration between the teams:

  • ESEAD, Tourism, Changes and Media Studies Research Team” of the Polydisciplinary Faculty of Ouarzazate (FPO) of the University Ibn Zohr of Agadir (IUZ)
  • caINTI «Coordination Action of the International Network of Territorial Intelligence”, of the Institute of Human Sciences and Environment (MSHE) of the University of Franche-Comté (UFC)

Since 2008, cooperation between the MSHE and FPO, is part of the cooperation between the region of Franche-Comté and the Province of Ouarzazate. She received the support of Campus France in 2012. Research activities were strongly developed in 2013 and 2014 as part of the Drââ joint research program. ESEAD is now recognized at the Moroccan national level. In 2014, it proposed coordinating a « Maghreb » program with Algeria and Tunisia. This year ESEAD plans to join the International Research Coordination Network “International Network of Territorial Intelligence” (INTI).

The Drââ program has received support from the CNRS and CNRST for 2015 and 2016.


March 30: First publication of the call for papers

– May 20: First deadline for proposals to call for communications (results of reviewing before June 1)

– June 1:  Beginning of registration to conference

– June 30: New deadline for proposals to second call for communication (results of reviewing before July 15)

– August 31: Return of full articles

– Sept. 30: Publication on line of full articles

Registration to conference and target price

To register to conference, just send an email to m.oudada@uiz.ac.ma with copy to jjg@mshe.univ-fcomte.fr (all will be payable in Ouarzazate)

  • Registration: 1650 dirhams (150 euros)
  • Single room with half board (breakfast included): 60 euros per night. (payable in Ouarzazate)

Flight from Paris to Ouarzazate Royal Air Morocco : 350 euros (depending on dates)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
INTI (19 juin 2015). Ouarzazate2015 14th INTI Conference “Sustainable Development of Vulnerable Territories.” Territorial Intelligence. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qdye

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