Huelva2013: Call for Papers


XIIth Annual International Conference of
Territorial Intelligence

“Social Innovation and new ways of governance for the socio-ecological transition”

21-22 November 2013, Huelva (C3IT-UHU)


XIIth Annual International Conference of
Territorial Intelligence
“Social Innovation and new ways of governance for the
socio-ecological transition”
21-22 November 2013, Huelva (C3IT-UHU)

This international conference is organized by:

  • The International Research Group: “Groupe de Recherche International « International Network of Territorial Intelligence »,
  • GDRI INTI, which is coordinated by the CNRS (France).
    The research centre: “Centro de Investigación Internacional en Inteligencia Territorial” Universidad de Huelva, C3IT- AC00221 CI (Spain).

Call for Papers:

Arguing ecological or ethical concerns diverse forums, social movements and international, national and local networks claim today, more insistently than ever, the need to undertake a profound socio-ecological transition towards a new social organizational model. The new system is called to be more in harmony with the natural environment, more focused on the quality of life, more socially just and more genuinely democratic. In this regard, from the scientific perspective, main objective of the International Network of Territorial Intelligence is the co-development of theoretical approaches, methods and tools for territorial partnerships collaboratively to build their road maps and to carry out their projects in a more successful way.

The fact is that in this context of socio-ecological crisis, the challenges addressing the development of the quality of life vary from one territory to another. Thus, institutionalized stakeholders and citizens who operate in different places are facing the crisis fostering social innovation in many different ways. These social innovations are, with greater or lesser strength, influencing their systems of territorial governance, i.e., the traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution in the threefold system of tensions: local-global, public-private, and State-citizenship.

Theoretical and practical experience shows that there are at least four characteristics that are shared by all these processes of social innovation.

– The first one is that these practises often involve the collaborative production of new knowledge. A knowledge that is directly created by the participants, that is not mediated by conventional science or traditional mass media, and that is used for collaborative decision-making processes;
– The second characteristic is the intensive use that is made of the technologies of information and communication, especially, but not exclusively, of social networks;
– The third one is that these processes often imply the recovery of some common space, especially in the field of economic management;
– The fourth common feature, which is a corollary of the above, is that these processes of social innovation become participant’s capacity building processes, which turns into empowerment, in the sense of increasing the capacity of the actors with initially weaker influence.

With the purposefully multidisciplinary vocation of the INTI, the meeting aims at facilitating the debate between the research community and the diverse territorial actors (social entrepreneurship, networks and citizens platforms, civil servants, public authorities…) on these processes of socio-ecological innovation. The Conference will focus especially on discussion about the characteristics of new modes of horizontal, lateral, emerging governance, and their contribution to the socio-ecological transition processes, as well as the potentials and limits of the methods and tools of territorial intelligence for its development.

In this regard, in addition to the contributions to the usual axes of the network (territory, observation, intelligence, governance, vulnerability and gender) are welcome communications that based its analysis on real-life experiences of governance and social innovation on the ground, whether these initiatives are public, private or community based, responding to the following questions:

– How to identify and characterize most active initiatives, most disruptive innovations, most promising practices, an the new agents of change? How to measure their impacts in terms of territorial resilience?
– How are these initiatives connected with economic, social enterprises and other social initiatives? How are these processes influenced by the idea of “the commons” and with what implications?
– What methods and tools have demonstrated to be more useful in strengthening participants’ capacities and skills in the framework of these processes of social innovation and territorial intelligence? How to evaluate the progress?
– What is the role of information and communication technologies, in general, and more specifically, in the collaborative processes of knowledge production within the projects?
– How to embed these practices in institutional frameworks that encourage alternative development? How to absorb them productively in a system that guarantees equal rights and social cohesion? How to renew the regulatory architecture for this integration?
– How to ensure the voice and representation of most vulnerable groups and territories?
– What role plays the gender dimension in these processes?
– How to promote those public structures in the territory to come involve with these processes for the channelling and reconstruction of the linkages in the public space, by strengthening them?
– How to incorporate all these processes to a more thoughtful, deliberative and participatory public decision-making, how to generate the more active governance that a more active citizenship deserves?

In addition to this, for members of INTI the meeting will serve as a space of reflection and synthesis of the results of international meetings developed this year 2013, as the thematic session “Territorial Intelligence: Exploring Theoretical Approaches, Methods and Applications” at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Los Angeles on April 9th-13th or the International Conference of Territorial Intelligence “Territorial Intelligence, socio-ecological transition and resilience of the territories” held on May 30-31 in Besançon and Dijon (France), whose contents can be downloaded at The internal session of the GDRI INTI will enable network researchers to define the joint work programme for 2014.

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