Ouarzazate in Morocco, Wednesday 21 and Thursday, October 24, 2015
The 14th annual international conference of territorial intelligence to be held in Ouarzazate, Morocco from 21 to 24 October 2015 on the theme “Sustainable development of vulnerable territories” is already promises to be a success.
The program currently has nearly 60 communications. They are an important overview of theoretical and practical on Moroccan territory. INTI International researchers will also present their recent work in over a dozen countries (North Africa, Europe, Latin America).
The work will be introduced by three guest speakers, Raul Montenegro, a biology professor at the National University of Cordoba, Alternative Nobel Prize, Liu Liwen, sociology professor at Tunghai University, a specialist in community resilience to natural disasters, and Philippe Dumas, emeritus professor of information science and communication at the University of Toulon.
Thank’s to the laboratory ESEAD, Tourism, Changes and Media Studies Research Team” of the Polydisciplinary Faculty of Ouarzazate (FPO) of the University Ibn Zohr of Agadir (IUZ).
Download the last Ouarzazate-Program here.